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Young Scientist Prize of the Swiss Neutron Science Society, sponsored by SwissNeutronics

The prize is awarded annualy to a young scientist in recognition of a notable scientific achievement in the form of a PhD thesis. Every other year, the prize is also open to nominees with an exceptional track record in neutron scattering established within 5 years after their PhD degrees. The science should include the use of neutron radiation, and eligible nominees should have a clear affiliation with Swiss Neutron Science (be member of the Swiss Neutron Science Society, be based in Switzerland, or have conducted experiments at Swiss neutron facilities). The PhD must have been awarded within two years of the announcement of the Call. The prize amounts to 1000 CHF and is sponsored by SwissNeutronics.


In 2025, the prize is awarded for a notable scientific achievement in the form of a PhD thesis or for an exceptional track record in neutron scattering established within 5 years after their PhD degrees.
Nominations for the prize should be submitted to the Swiss Neutron Science Society ( until March 14th, 2025. Nominations should include:
  • A nomination letter including the motivation for the award
  • A CV and publication list
  • Digital copy of the nominated work (e.g. PhD thesis)
  • Letter documenting the acceptance of the nomination by the nominee
  • Letters of support from authorities in the relevant field are accepted.

Prize Guide-lines


In 2024, the prize is awarded to Dr. Boyang Zhou for his thesis work on "Effect of Softness and Charges on the Volume Phase Transition of Colloidal Microgels and Macrogels".


In 2023, the prize is shared and is awarded to Dr. Elisabetta Nocerino and Dr. Ivo Schulthess:
  • Dr. Elisabetta Nocerino receives the prize for her thesis work on "A Comprehensive Experimental Approach to Multifunctional Quantum Materials & their Physical Properties".
  • Dr. Ivo Schulthess receives the prize for his thesis work on "Search for Axion-Like Dark Matter and Exotic Yukawa-Like Interaction".


In 2022, the prize is awarded to Dr. Stephan Allenspach for his thesis work on "Quantum Criticality and Dimensionality in Quasi-2D Spin-Dimer Systems".


In 2021, the prize is split and is awarded to Dr. Jakob Lass and Dr. Jacopo Valsecchi:
  • Dr. Jakob Lass receives the prize for his thesis work on "Neutron scattering and data treatment for camea-like back-ends".
  • Dr. Jacopo Valsecchi receives the prize for his thesis work on "Polarized neutron imaging and grating interferometry for visualization and quantification of magnetic systems".


In 2020, the prize is split and is awarded to Dr. Muriel Siegwart and Dr. Jiri Ulrich:
  • Dr. Muriel Siegwart receives the prize for her thesis work on "Neutron transmission imaging of fuel cells using time-of-flight and dark-field imaging".
  • Dr. Jiri Ulrich receives the prize for his thesis work on "High precision nuclear data of Mn-53 for astrophysics and geosciences".


In 2019, the prize is split and is awarded to Dr. Ralph Harti and Dr. Umbertoluca Ranieri:
  • Dr. Ralph Harti receives the prize for his thesis work on "Sub-pixel correlation length imaging of heterogeneous microstructures using neutron grating interferometry".
  • Dr. Umbertoluca Ranieri receives it for his thesis work on "Guest dynamics in methane hydrates and hydrogen hydrates under high pressure".


In 2018, the prize is awarded to Dr. Shang Gao for his high quality thesis and neutron scattering investigation leading to the discovery of a spiral spin-liquid state in the compound MnSc2S4 and of fast monopole hopping rates in the spin-ice compounds CdEr2X4.


In 2017, the prize is awarded to Dr. Viviane Lutz-Bueno in recognition of her outstanding thesis work on micellar aggregates and their behavior under confinement and flow, using a combination of both small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering experiments.


In 2016, the prize is awarded to Dr. Andrea Scotti in recognition of his outstanding work on the behavior of highly concentrated suspensions of soft microgel colloidal particles using neutron scattering.


In 2015, the prize is awarded to Dr. Jonas Okkels Birk in recognition of outstanding work on neutron instrumentation in the CAMEA project.


In 2014, two prizes have been awarded to:
  • Dr. Qianli Chen for her PhD work entitled 'Effects of Pressure on the Proton-Phonon Coupling in Metal Oxides with Perovskite Structure'
  • Dr. Simon Gerber for his PhD work entitled 'Interplay of Unconventional Superconductivity and Magnetism in CeCoIn5'
The prizes have been awarded at the Neutron Scattering Session of the Swiss Physical Society Meeting, July 1st at 16:00.

Last revision : Feb. 23rd, 2024 by U. Gasser